In this page, detailed explanation of the MASKARGO purchasing process may be found on this page. We hope the following information help slightly increase your understanding about MASKARGO: 

Advanced Cargo Center (ACC) KLIA

How the customer want to use MASKARGO services? What are the steps?

Clients typically visit the MASKARGO airport to place an order using their service. It indicates that they come to the MASKARGO airport at the Advanced Cargo Center (ACC) KLIA directly. In addition to that, a client who has a contract agreement with MASKARGO is also present. Some of the conditions that have been bound by this contract include the quantity of the cargo, the type of cargo, and their own schedule for the shipment.

Order Processing

1) Client book for the shipments

    Forwarding agent that represents shipper will receive the freight information. Then, the agent will request capacity from MASKARGO inventories for the shipment. When the capacity is confirmed, forwarding agent hire carrier such as DHL to delivered the freight to MASKARGO. During shipment process, safety remains a priority for all parties of the air cargo supply chain. Forwarding agent need to ensure clear and correct labelling and identification of packages. In addition, the packages must be suited to the content and be able to protect the goods from damaged.

2) Receive shipments into MASKARGO terminal

    Once the freight forwarding truck arrives at the airport and the truck driver has informed the Cargo Operator from MASKARGO, the terminal can receive the goods. MASKARGO should have received the following information in advance :

  •  Air waybill information
  • Truck number and type
  • Estimated arrival time (ETA)
  • Security screening needs
After that, unloading slot will be assigned to the driver. MASKARGO will handle the slot differently according to need like dangerous goods, live animals, pharmaceutical drugs and more.

3) MASKARGO accept shipments as Ready for Carriage

    When accepting a shipment as ready for carriage, a MASKARGO operator must take a number of actions to make sure that it complies with the rules for air freight. First, MASKARGO must confirm that the shipments have been cleared for security. They must then conduct a ready-for carriage check. They must make sure that the cargo has been screened and that all documentation requirements have been met. The information is updated and pass against the booking when everything has been verified. The main objective is to make sure the consignments  are in compliant with :
  • Carrier requirement
  • Export rules and regulations
  • Import regulations of the destination country

4) MASKARGO will prepare Cargo for Flight

    After accepting shipments ready for carriage, airport cargo operator can prepare the air cargo for flight. The goods in transit must be received and security cleared once again. MASKARGO operator and ground handling staff can get the air cargo ready for flight after receiving shipments that are ready for transportation. Receiving the products in transit requires another round of security clearance. The transit cargo undergo security checks from cargo and ground handling services, including x-ray and Explosive Trace Detection (ETD) screening. Lastly, a build-up plan must be created once the carrier provides the pre-plan specifications. This plan specifies what air cargo needs to be assembled for flight.

Loading Cargo in MASKARGO aircraft

5) Send Shipments to Flight

    It is now time for MASKARGO handling cargo staff to transfer the loaded ULDs to a safe flight holding facility, keeping all sensitive information, including temperature-controlled and dangerous goods in mind. If the order of the ULDs is known, ramp transportation can be ready. MASKARGO is responsible for ensuring that all ramp safety procedures are followed. The ramp handler now takes over responsibility of the cargo from the warehouse operator. The carrier can now depart, but the process of loading the cargo is not complete until the flight record, loading details, and transportation information have been mailed. 
